Wednesday 17 April 2013


Chloe was impressed with a cake her big cousin had made so when she
was home with the flu one day she asked if she could try to make one.
This is the result. VERY impressive!!!
Want a slice anyone?? It tasted delicious..
Rose and Leo watching a movie together.
Leo takes a while to settle himself.
Ahhhh.. There... all settled now..... :)

Another fishing experience..
BIG nannygai..
Rose took this photo..
A tub full of yumminess...
Cheers, MontyPosted by Picasa

March / April long weekend....

Better late than never right??? Well I think so anyway...

The kids had the Thursday before Good Friday off so what do you do on such a day??
Go fishing of course!!
Nick took the boys fishing, and the girls went shopping :)

Travis' salmon
Travis and Corey with their salmon
Corey with a bonito
Lucky Travis with his pink snapper

That night a family of 8 arrived to camp in our backyard.
We were all very excited and had a great awesome time together.
Its just never long enough...

On Friday we were blessed to go to church to hear how Christ bore
our sin and shame by being sacrificed on the cross. What a beautiful gift
that has been given to those of us who believe in Him....

A couple of days later Nick took the girls fishing - Chloe, Renae & Julia.
This is some of their catch - nannygai and break sea cod...
There's nothing like a campfire to sit around and enjoy eachother's company.
The young ones getting it up and running... That's the most fun bit.....
ooh... and toasting marshmallows too :)
We toodled off to the beach for some more fun...
Making a castle in the sand together.
Hi-jacking your big cousins ipod...
Girl chat time.....

Lego creating time....
Dinner under the patio together...
Can you guess what was on the menu for dinner? Fish :)
These three LOVE rollerblading together..
We could hear them out on the driveway at 6:30 in the morning. 
The campsite of our visitors the day that they were going to pack up and leave :( 
I know its a little while ago now... but I hope you all got to do something
special with loved ones on the long weekend.

May God continue to bless you all.

Love Monty xxPosted by Picasa