Saturday 29 June 2013

June randoms.....

Sorry for the lack of posts.... Life is VERY busy...
Here are some things we have done this past June....

The boys decided to make a bike jump with bricks and a little ramp..

Corey leaping high..
Travis having a go..
and... Rose had to join in too... VERY brave she was...
One Saturday Chloe asked if Rosalee could go to horse riding lessons
instead of her. She offered to help her with everything.
It was such a nice gesture of Chloe and it was gorgeous to watch the two
of them together out in the paddock. She is a wonderful big sister...
The grin says it all..... :)
Brush down....
Treats for Bobby...
Two weeks ago we attended a wedding of a niece from my side
of the family to a nephew of Nick's side of the family.
It was a beautiful day spent with our beautiful families.

We had a quick photo of our own family before we left for church....
Story time on a Sunday evening with Dad before bed.....
I hope you are all going well..
All the best for the last week of school..

Cheers, Monty xxPosted by Picasa