Thursday 26 April 2012

Bremer Bay 2012

The kids did lots of boogie boarding.
While at Blossoms Beach a huge school of salmon swam past. There were thousands. They were even bumping into the kids legs while they were on their boards.
It was awesome to watch..
So many salmon were caught by all the holidaymakers.
Corey only had his line in for a minute before he hooked one up.
They certainly put up a good fight.
The catch!!
Chloe even hooked one up all by herself and managed to get it on shore....
Nick moored the dighy about waist deep from shore and Travis got hooked onto a salmon
Corey is waiting with the landing net.
Safely in the boat.
These two did lots of colouring in.
I would recommend these books to anyone. I bought them from Dymocks for $10 each. They have got LOADS of activities for your child to do.
Its not a book thats completed in a hurry.
Driving on the sand dunes.
View of Blossoms Beach from on top the dune.
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more photos....

Dinner around the campfire.

Oh how we loved this fire....
Travis fishing off the rock at Fishery Beach.
His catch!!! Can you spot the crab :o)
Fun with family and friends.
Chloe. Rosalee, Gemma, Shanae and Travis is squatting
Snorkelling together.
Travis, Rosalee, Naomi, Corey, Alyssa
Oma relaxing while watching her grandkids.
All 8 of the kiddies on top of a sand dune.
Corey, Alyssa, Rose, Travis, Gemma, Chloe, Naomi, Shanae
Couldn't resist to put this photo in of miss Rose posing.
The BIG CATCH!!!!! 14kg Pink Snapper
And the little ones.
Dad's 8kg Queenie.
What a monster!!! (the fish.. not the fella on the right )
Riding bikes around the park is all part of our holiday fun.
Naomi & Travis
Rose and my her doll Crystal going for a walk to the park.
Travis and Naomi.
We had a wonderful holiday. We are very thankful that we could enjoy some quality family time together. I hope you all got to enjoy a wonderful holiday too.
Now its back to reality :o)

Cheers, Monty xxPosted by Picasa

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Birthday cards......

I've had quite a few sister-in-law birthdays recently. Here are some of the cards.
They are all tri-shutter cards.
( I just love this card technique.. in case you hadn't noticed :o)
Posted by PicasaHope you enjoyed viewing them.
Have a good evening.

Cheers, Monty
I apologise to those family members who I haven't even sent a card to but yet their birthday has been and gone. I will try and get on to it :o)

What an influence.......

The week before Eva and Maddox came to stay Rose drew this picture for me. She was so proud of it that we decided to display it on our fridge.....
Then this pretty cousin came to stay......
This is how the girls spent a lot of time each day... resulting in.....
What an influence Eva has been. She does beautiful colouring in and can draw amazing pictures. Rose watched what and how Eva did her pictures and managed to create some beautiful pictures too. She used Eva's horse stencil and she drew the ballerina by following the "how to draw a ballerina" instructions from Eva's activity book. I was very impressed with how colourful the picture turned out. Pretty good for a 3.5 year old.

Cheers, MontyPosted by Picasa