Tuesday 24 April 2012

Having more FUN....

Time for a face mask..... hee hee hee....
It was very refreshing.

Time to decorate some cookies. Yum yum...
The girls took ages placing the choc chips and smarties in exactly the right spot and every now and then that spot was their mouth :o)
Eva's tray full
Rose proud of her efforts
And Maddox's lot
(he had just snuck a few choccies in his mouth)
Our sports day got shifted to the Friday that the kids were still here so they got to run around the oval and watch their big cousins in action all day. Was very tiring...
GO GREEN!!!!!!
Travis showing Maddox all his ribbons.
Unfortunately Green lost overall, but the kids still enjoyed the whole day.
The following day Estelle and Jay took these kiddies back home.
We have certainly treasured the time we got to  have with them.
Everyone here misses them from time to time.
Hope you are all going well.

Cheers, MontyPosted by Picasa

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