Monday 7 May 2012

I'm hoping......

that THIS BOX is going to help me become a more organised person :)
If you read my last post I was complaining about not being as organised as I was many years ago. As soon as I saw this box in Koorong Bookshop, I knew I NEEDED it!!!! I also realised that there is obviously someone else who has trouble getting cards to people on time, so much so that they've created this wonder box. I've got big expectations riding on this box.
I hope it won't let me down.

Enough said.... Enjoy the pics....
Posted by PicasaThis box came with 40 beautiful cards for different ocassions.
I gave them to my mother-in-law as a thank you gift for looking after 3 of my children while I went to Perth with one child to see some specialists.
HAPPY ORGANISING everyone. I know I WILL!!!

Cheers, Monty

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