Monday 10 December 2012

Teacher Thank you gifts.....

I can't believe its that time of the year already!!

Time for the children to thank their teachers and bid them goodbye for the year.
I always like to make something for each of the children's teachers to show them
that they are appreciated for all the time and effort that they've put in instructing them.

Here it is: A post-it-note holder...

I saw the idea on pinterest and knew they would be easy to whip up.
Five minutes on each one is all it took... I was very HAPPY about that :o)
These photo frames have a little stand at the back so they can sit on their desk.
They were purchased from our local Icky Finks store...
I went through my stash of papers (that is the part that took up most of my 5 minutes)
matched up some ribbon, found some wording to match the ocassion
and then put it all together. The patterned paper is behind the glass
while the rest of it is on the outside of the glass.
I love the fact that once the post-it-notes are finished, they can just stick a new one on.
Such a handy gift. Its big enough to find on their messy desk too :o)

All the best for the last few days of school.
I'm certainly looking forward to spending time with the kids over the summer break.
I also love not having routine for quite some time too :o)

I hope you all have a lovely summer break.
I know we will!!!!

Take care, and stay safe....

Love Monty xxPosted by Picasa

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