Monday 6 May 2013

Bremer Bay 2013...

We were able to once again take a two week holiday and head
down to Bremer Bay. We had a wonderful time with friends and family.

I'll let the photos do most of the talking..

Rose got her very own rod. She bugged us to take her fishing.
We took her to the marina. She caught numerous fish.
This skippy is one of them...
Travis learning to fillet a fish...
Corey's turn..
This pink galah called 'Lucky' stayed next door to us for 4 nights.
Rose was often sitting down having a chat with him. It was cute..
Rose, Naomi & Rebecca...
Dune boarding... Chloe & Shanae...
The boys together...
The girls together...
Gemma, Shanae & Chloe..
Jumping in muddy puddles... Great holiday FUN...
Naomi, Rebecca & Rose..
We enjoyed some concerts from this group of kiddies.
They all sang beautifully together..
Naomi, Alyssa, Chloe, Gemma, Corey & Travis...

Travis with a BIG skippy...
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The boats come back in so everyone wants to see what's been caught..
2 big Samson fish..
Everyone had a chance to catch 2 or 3 Bonito each.. Most were thrown back.
Little pink snapper...
Swallow tail...
Cousin Hamish with two Bonito he caught..
Bath time for dolly 'Ellie'...
Game time...
Little sis watching big sis playing on her DS..
One of our many campfires... LOVE that part about camping...
I could of showed you all 140 photos but narrowed it down to the ones above.
I hope you all enjoyed your two week holiday break.
We certainly did...
All the best for Term 2...

Love Monty xxPosted by Picasa

April 2013.....

So April has been a busy month with lots of different activities going on.
Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.

I just love these first two pictures. They are priceless.
Oma Plug reading a story before bedtime.
Earlier in the evening Rosalee drew this picture.
I thought it was just the cutest.
Mummy elephant with her baby elephant...

On Tuesday the 16th of April the children participated in our
yearly school sports day. Was a great day...

Go GREEN!!!!!
Rosalee did a great deal of cheering ALL day.
Travis doing long jump.
Corey about to launch the vortex. He threw it 26 metres.
He definitely WON this one. The next closest was 19m.
Chloe in tug-of-war. They won this.
5 beautiful girls.
Travis in his favourite event. Baton relay. They won for green.
Corey in his favourite event. Baton relay. They won too.
Chloe was not going to join in the 800m race because she was
worried about her asthma. On the day they were told that the team gets
extra points for every person who participates, so she decided to join in.
Year 7 and year 8 race together. Chloe came 4th!! She was so chuffed and
surprised with herself. I wasn't chuffed or surprised.. I was PROUD of her.
GREEN were the overall winners of the day. We all had a lovely day.

The next day Rose had her last session of swimming lessons.
She absolutely LOVES it. She is all smiles every week.
She was in a class of four. Three boys and her. 1 boy was missing this day. 
She has a strong kick on her.
Having some fun on the last day. A boat ride.
The grin says it all...
Now that the Starfish stage has been conquered, she can move
into the Angelfish class. Because she enjoyed it so much... and has gained
so much confidence in the water, I decided to enrol her for Term 2.
She can't wait for tomorrow... Only 1 more sleep :o)

Love MontyPosted by Picasa