Monday 6 May 2013

Bremer Bay 2013...

We were able to once again take a two week holiday and head
down to Bremer Bay. We had a wonderful time with friends and family.

I'll let the photos do most of the talking..

Rose got her very own rod. She bugged us to take her fishing.
We took her to the marina. She caught numerous fish.
This skippy is one of them...
Travis learning to fillet a fish...
Corey's turn..
This pink galah called 'Lucky' stayed next door to us for 4 nights.
Rose was often sitting down having a chat with him. It was cute..
Rose, Naomi & Rebecca...
Dune boarding... Chloe & Shanae...
The boys together...
The girls together...
Gemma, Shanae & Chloe..
Jumping in muddy puddles... Great holiday FUN...
Naomi, Rebecca & Rose..
We enjoyed some concerts from this group of kiddies.
They all sang beautifully together..
Naomi, Alyssa, Chloe, Gemma, Corey & Travis...

Travis with a BIG skippy...
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