Friday 13 January 2012

Christmas celebrations.....

Christmas dinner was held at our house this year, or should I say last year :o)
We had a wonderful evening together enjoying yummy food,
drink and eachothers company.

Here are some photos for you.

Renae made a pinata at school so she brought it down to Albany so the little ones (and some big ones) could have some swinging fun.... It was certainly well made :o)

Rose having a hit while the others were cheering her on.
The kids also enjoyed running around with sparklers and watching Nick's sparkler bombs explode... however... I was having too much fun to capture any photos.

These flowers were given to me from a lovely family who could also join in with our christmas celebrations. They were absoulutely stunning to look at.

Posted by PicasaHope you all had a lovely Christmas. May God grant you all a blessed 2012.
Love Monty xx

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