Friday 13 January 2012


What a great place to visit!!!
Lots of things to do, movies to see and information to digest. Both adults and kids were fascinated with this place and all its history. We all certainly had a very enjoyable morning.

Kids on the slide..

and swing..


OK.... I've got it all under control...
I'll show you which way to go...

mmm... should we go left or right...
Trust me :o)... I'll get us there safely...

There is also an animal section you can go and visit.
Here is a tawny frogmouth

The kids all loved patting the friendly kangaroos...

This one is just like one of the grandkids...
He's looking in Oma's bag to see if shes got any lollies... LOL
Posted by PicasaAfter having our packed lunch at Whaleworld, we went around the corner to Frenchman's Bay for a swim.
Hope you enjoyed the photos.
Cheers, Monty

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