Tuesday 27 March 2012

Oh what FUN we're having......

This post is really for my sister and her husband who are at the moment enjoying the sights, food and atmosphere of Hong Kong. What a great place. I hope they are having a wonderful time. While they're away, we have been given the opportunity to look after their little treasures. Oh what FUN we're having. I'll let the photos do most of the talking.

Icecreams on a hot Saturday afternoon

Being pushed around by big Sis

and big Cousin

Fishing down at the river. Eva reeled in two Bream proudly.
She wasn't too keen on getting close to the fish.

Rose reeled in two as well.

One of the twelve Bream

Bath time FUN!!!

 Dinner time

With YUMMY dessert :o)

Colouring in and drawing

Bouncing fun

Lots of room to run and ride

Mastering the power wing

More colouring in. These two have spent hours and hours like this. What a wonderful way to spend the day. I'm amazed at how much influence all this drawing and colouring has done to Rose's drawing and colouring abilities.
(Might do a little post on that at a later date)

Movie and snack time

And MARBLES!!! This little fella LOVES marbles. When hes not in bed he usually has one or two in his hand/s. He has had much joy from these.
Posted by PicasaWell, I hope you enjoyed these few photos Bots of what has been going on around here. Eva and Maddox miss you lots, but are also having a ball. We are loving every moment with them. They are real treasures.
Not sure I want you to come back and take them away :o)

Love Monty xx

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