Thursday 22 November 2012

November pics.....

Last week Friday evening we decided to have a BBQ dinner down at Emu Point Marina.
The boys packed the fishing rods, while the girls packed the food :o)
It was a beautiful evening. Everyone enjoyed themselves and really didn't want to go home
until the mozzies decided that it was time for us to go :o(
 I decided to take the Pentax camera with me to capture some beautiful memories.

Enjoy the photos.

Cutting up bait for her big brothers
On Saturday Chloe got to have another horse riding lesson.
She absolutely loves these lessons. I haven't really had a chance to watch her much
so this particular day I came early so I could take some photos of her.
I can't believe how confident she has become around horses now.
It was so beautiful to watch her smiling and so carefree.

Getting ready to dismount
Returning the saddle to the stable
Brush down
And a treat for letting her have a wonderful ride
Sorry my blog has been so quiet. Life has been pretty hectic.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Cheers, Monty
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