Monday 29 October 2012

Corey turns 9......

On Sunday the 28th of October
Corey was able to celebrate another BIRTHDAY!!
The Lord has guided and blessed him throughout the past year
which we are very thankful for.
We pray that God will continue to bless his developement
and keep him safe throughout another year.
He has a beautiful caring nature (underneath his rough exterior)
We are so blessed that he is part of our family.

Here's the handsome lad himself...
Decorations certainly add to the party atmosphere.
This streamer came all the way from Holland only a week before his birthday.
Thanks Uncle Maarten...
Icecream cake... Yum..yum... on a hot day...
Brotherly LOVE.......
Today after school Corey had a pool party with his mates..
They're waiting to go on the slide..
Corey and his best buddie Ethan...
Lots of pressies to keep a 9 year out of mischief...
or maybe get him into more???
Its so beautiful to watch your children grow... There are times when
I would like to stop the clock and enjoy them at certain stages
of their lives a little longer... while there are other times I would like to
speed things along a little... :o)

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. We certainly did..
Love Monty xx
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