Wednesday 23 January 2013

A new family member of the furry kind....

Meet LEO out little lion puppy....

Isn't he just the CUTEST!!!
Very playful... He love chasing leaves that are blowing around in the wind.
And skateboarding too...
I still can't believe we bought a puppy.
The kids have been asking for a dog for quite some time.
We kept saying no because we just didn't want to have the responsibility of a
pet like that. Recently the kids have been begging us for a dog even more.

.....We finally said YES.....

We decided that we would get a small dog that can stay in our
little enclosed yard. We also decided that we would get an older dog
NOT a puppy... Yes I can see you all grinning from here :)
After keeping our eye out at the RSPCA as well as a local site that
sells pets, we saw this little fella. Well, I must stay I fell in love with him instantly,
but kept saying... we are NOT getting a puppy....mmm.. you're still grinning..
Unfortunately 2 of the kids happened to snatch a glance at a
picture of this little fella...and well... I'm sure you can imagine the..
Aaaw.. mum he's adorable... what a cutie.. he would love it at our place..
he's perfect...... I just want to hug him.... and more...
Nick and I decided to go and have a look at the puppy on our own..
as our kids can easily influence our decision *insert cheesy grin here*
Well... we fell in love.... He is cute.. a whole 1.25kg of cuteness...
Everyone adores him, cuddles him, growls at him, cleans up after him feeds him...
This little puppy is enjoying every moment here....
And we are certainly enjoying little Leo too....

Will have to post some pics of  little Leo with his adoring fans :)

Cheers, Monty
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Something crafty...

A few weeks ago now I bought a couple of $4 shirts from Target
and decided to applique some pictures on to them.
I'm very happy with the results... Needless to say, Rose was VERY happy with them.

She really wanted to have a photo with the shirts on.
Posing, just before the shirt was dropped into the washing basket.
I hope you are all enjoying your holidays.
At the moment we have swimming lessons down at the beach.
I am loving every minute of it.

Take care xx
MontyPosted by Picasa

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Busselton 2012....

This year we all walked right to the end of the Busselton Jetty.
Something I've wanted to do for a while...
Travis had a go on this trampoline..
My Mum, Chloe, Travis, Rosalee and myself went to
Dunsborough Country Life Farm
It was a very hot day....

Rosalee and a baby guinea pig
Cuddling rabbits and guinea pigs was the highlight...
Feeding the other animals..
Rose was very excited to pat this baby joey...
Time for the bumper cars..
And a row.....
We had wonderful morning out, but were very glad to put our
bathers on and hit the beach.

I recommend this place for a visit. Just pick a cooler day :o)

Cheers, MontyPosted by Picasa

Christmas 2012....

We  were blessed to be able to go to Bussleton to celebrate
Christmas with my side of the family this year.
It was beautiful that everyone single one of us could be there.

This year... like last year.... I decided to make my own version
of the christmas cracker once again.
Each one contained a proverb as well as a little chocolate.
All 34 of them...
My whole family..
My beautiful, wonderful parents...
I also made a tablecloth for my parents dining table.
( with the help of my very capable sewing friend once again :o)
Everyone was asked to write something that they are thankful for on it.
I am hoping that DV in two years time we can pull it out again,
read what we wrote last time, then add another one.
I hope you all had a lovely day celebrating the birth of our
Saviour Jesus Christ with your family members...

God's blessings for 2013 everyone.

Love Monty xxPosted by Picasa