Tuesday 1 January 2013

Christmas 2012....

We  were blessed to be able to go to Bussleton to celebrate
Christmas with my side of the family this year.
It was beautiful that everyone single one of us could be there.

This year... like last year.... I decided to make my own version
of the christmas cracker once again.
Each one contained a proverb as well as a little chocolate.
All 34 of them...
My whole family..
My beautiful, wonderful parents...
I also made a tablecloth for my parents dining table.
( with the help of my very capable sewing friend once again :o)
Everyone was asked to write something that they are thankful for on it.
I am hoping that DV in two years time we can pull it out again,
read what we wrote last time, then add another one.
I hope you all had a lovely day celebrating the birth of our
Saviour Jesus Christ with your family members...

God's blessings for 2013 everyone.

Love Monty xxPosted by Picasa

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