Tuesday 1 January 2013

Busselton 2012....

This year we all walked right to the end of the Busselton Jetty.
Something I've wanted to do for a while...
Travis had a go on this trampoline..
My Mum, Chloe, Travis, Rosalee and myself went to
Dunsborough Country Life Farm
It was a very hot day....

Rosalee and a baby guinea pig
Cuddling rabbits and guinea pigs was the highlight...
Feeding the other animals..
Rose was very excited to pat this baby joey...
Time for the bumper cars..
And a row.....
We had wonderful morning out, but were very glad to put our
bathers on and hit the beach.

I recommend this place for a visit. Just pick a cooler day :o)

Cheers, MontyPosted by Picasa

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