Monday 9 September 2013

A little bit of sewing....

I am loving pinterest at the moment. There are soooo many different
craft ideas. I saw this cute little bag (tutorial here) and decided to give it a try.
The instructions were very clear and simple. Which was great for a beginner like me.
I LOVE how it turned out. Its sooo cute...
Front view....
Back view..
Bag in use....
The only down side was that it could do with a few more pockets for markers.
Rosalee had trouble trying to choose 4 markers so in the end she took 6. 
I think I'm going to try and tackle making a bigger bag for larger colouring books.

Also I did 4 no-sew lap blankets too...
(The kiddies keep pinching my lap blanket all the time)
These involved LOTS of cutting and LOTS of knotting and was LOTS of fun.

This one is for Rosalee
"Mum it's so fluffy I just want to sleep all day."
mmmm... yeah right.....
The boys saw Rosalee's blanket and begged me to do theirs straight away.
3 more piles to put together.
I managed to finish Travis' blanket just before his bedtime...
He thanked me with a hug and put it straight on his bed...
By that time I was quite sore from bending over on the floor and also
my knees were hurting from leaning on them for so long. Corey looked at me longingly
to see if maybe I would get his done. I made a start on it but couldn't complete it
before his bedtime... however... I pushed on and finished it before he had
fallen asleep. He was so thrilled and immediately snuggled into it and fell asleep.
Chloe's blanket...... got completed the next afternoon....
She was happy to wait...
This project was heaps of fun to put together. I got the instructions from
one of the Spotlight brochures you can buy for 99c.

I hope you are all going well....

Cheers, MontyPosted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. i like rose blanket.
    you must of seen blannket?
    from esther
