Thursday 22 August 2013

A little modification to our home......

When we were building our house Nick really wanted a wood heater but I refused.
I was 7 months pregnant with our third child and did not want a wood heater
because I was really worried that the children would touch it and burn themselves.
I also just wanted convenience heating too... :)

WELL....... 8 years later..... Nick got his wish...
and our youngest child is 5 years old.. :)
Here he is laying the tiles down while Rose is handing out instructions.
The next day he put the grout on.. I helped him so no progress photos to show.
A friend of ours got us a fire for nothing from a lady he was doing
a job for. It's in great condition. We were thrilled!!!
A man came and installed the fire as we wanted it done properly
and all done according to regulations.
All done!!! YAY!!!!
By the looks of this photo it seems like we have had the fire for ages already. 
Its only been going for two days but we are really enjoying the warmth...
Well.... I had better go and put another log on the fire :)

Cheers, MontyPosted by Picasa

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