Monday 28 November 2011

Very exciting when.....

...your child realises that they can spell lots of words..
These photos were taken back in September. Travis told me he could write. I then made up a sentence for him to write on my little whiteboard.....

This is how he spelt it (with no help from me). I then challenged him with another one...

He blew me away with his correct spelling... Very proud mum here :o)

Rosalee drew herself on the magnadoodle (she didn't want to miss out on any attention).

A picture of Rose and a sandcastle she made. Very cute...
Posted by PicasaThese photos are precious. It shows how quickly my children are maturing and learning in their own different ways.
I encourage you to take photos of your child/rens achievements whether big or small. I'm sure every one will be a very worthwhile memory.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Cheers, Monty

Sunday 20 November 2011

November Birthdays.....

Wow!! There seem to be so many birthdays this month (and new babies too). I guess I can't really compare it to last month where only Corey's name is on the calender for that month.
Here are some of the cards for the birthday people.


Veronica ( her favourite colour is red )

Neve - who turned 4 years old

Brooklyn - who turns 8 tomorrow... better hurry up and get this one in the post

This is a card Chloe made. It was her first attempt at colouring in with my watercolour markers and an aquabrush. I think she did a beautiful job. What do you think??
Hope you all had a fabulous weekend. All the best for the week ahead.
Cheers, Monty
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Thursday 17 November 2011

Double Delight.....

Two years ago today my sister was blessed with the birth of healthy twin girls Hayley and Shannon.

Here they are a few hours old.

1 years old

1.5 years old ( this is the latest photo I have of them ) with their beautiful mother

May God continue to guide and bless their developement throughout the year ahead.

Here are the cards I made for them.
Posted by PicasaMissing them and their family lots. Hope they all had a wonderful day today.
All our love, Monty and Crew XXxxxx

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Its a GIRL.........

On the 11.11.2011 our friends Darryl and Kara were blessed with the safe arrival of a healthy girl.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Here is the card I made for them. Still to be given to them along with a gorgeous fluffy, pink blanket.

On the 13.11.2011 Chloe's teacher Bruce and his wife Dina received their first child. A healthy daughter.
Once again all praise belongs to our Heavenly Father for making all things well.
This is the card they received, along with a beautiful, soft pink blanket.
Posted by PicasaI've been able to visit both babies and they are just gorgeous.
Hope you all have a good day.
Cheers, Monty

Confession of Faith....

" Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us,
that we should be called children of God..."
John 3:1

On Sunday we were able to witness our niece Britney confess her faith. May God grant her strength in fulfilling her promises.

Here is the bookmark I made for her. Simple, yet classy.
Posted by PicasaHope you all had a blessed Sunday.
Love, Monty

Two Peoples Bay....

On Friday the 11th of November our kids had a PD day. Nick managed to take the day off and we headed out to Two Peoples Bay for some fishing, swimming and relaxing.

Nick, my Mum, Chloe and Corey are off to do some fishing

While Rosalee enjoyed playing in the sand

And Travis did some beach fishing.
Putting some bait on the hook..


Its only seaweed :(

Getting the seaweed off his bait and line

all its ready to be cast out again

Rosalee's turn to have a go

Travis telling her to be patient :)

Showing her how to hold the rod

How to wind the handle

It got too heavy so she gave the rod to Trav

This is why :(
He decided not to fish anymore after this lot of seaweed.

Nick's ute & trailer and my car parked on the beach.

Coming back in from fishing

Rosalee's turn to have a ride in Dad's boat.

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Enjoying a swim in the water.

Nick's HUGE squid... yum...yum

Some of the whiting that were caught... delicious


Trav's Sergeant Baker

Can't not put a photo of miss R holding a fish.. This one is a swallowtail.

Corey and a Wrasse. This fish will be used for bait the next fishing trip.

Later on that evening we took mum to the airport. She flew to Busselton to spend some quality time with two of her other daughters and their families. Thanks for a great week mum. Missing you lots already xxPosted by Picasa
Hope you all had a fantastic weekend.
Cheers, Monty