Monday 14 November 2011

God is Awesome......

On Saturday the 29th of October, Nick, myself and kids along with Nick's sisters family went and climbed Castle Rock in the Porongurups. It was an overcast day, not too hot or cold, just perfect. Everyone enjoyed it immensely. Its definately on our 'to do again' list.
** note to self: make sure you go with a family that has strong, fit teenagers.

Here we go!!!

It was such a beautiful, energy sapping climb that I didn't take any photos till we got to the top :)
The views were.... Breathtaking.....

At the end of the platform... photographic evidence....

The wildflowers were amazing and plentiful. I took my time capturing them on my way back down the climb.

On our way back down the hill. ** notice the teenager carrying miss Rosalee :)
Posted by PicasaHope you are all having a good day.
Cheers, Monty

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