Monday 14 November 2011

Happy Anniversary.....

On the 5th of November my parents could celebrate 46 years of marriage. All praise to God for this wondrous milestone. May He continue to surround them with His love and Care in the years ahead. It was a pleasure to have them come our way for the weekend.

We decided to go the Middleton Beach for a bit of a walk. It was very relaxing.
Opa decided to buy us all an icecream.

Finding shells, rocks, crabs.....  the joy of EXPLORING...

The two of us...

Oma and granddaughter 1

and granddaughter 2

The boys amused themselves by jumping over the little waves.
Posted by PicasaWe then went to Emu Point and enjoyed some fish, salt and pepper squid and chips on the beach. Was a wonderful day spent with wonderful company.
Cheers, Monty

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