Monday 28 November 2011

Very exciting when.....

...your child realises that they can spell lots of words..
These photos were taken back in September. Travis told me he could write. I then made up a sentence for him to write on my little whiteboard.....

This is how he spelt it (with no help from me). I then challenged him with another one...

He blew me away with his correct spelling... Very proud mum here :o)

Rosalee drew herself on the magnadoodle (she didn't want to miss out on any attention).

A picture of Rose and a sandcastle she made. Very cute...
Posted by PicasaThese photos are precious. It shows how quickly my children are maturing and learning in their own different ways.
I encourage you to take photos of your child/rens achievements whether big or small. I'm sure every one will be a very worthwhile memory.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Cheers, Monty

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