Wednesday 7 December 2011

Thank you teachers......

Well..... its that time of year again when I like to make a little gift to show the teachers how much I appreciate the effort they put in in instructing our children in many subjects, with God at the centre of their teachings. We are thankful that our children can attend a christian school in freedom. Praise God for all these blessings.
I like to be able to make something different each year..... so I did a bit of blogging on other craft sites and found this.... WOW!!! was my first reaction... then... I can make one four of these. They are not my creation but they are from the talented Ilina Crouse. Its called First Day Ensemble. I purchased a template for $6.50. Within minutes of ordering and paying, the instructions were sent to my email... then a few minutes later I was busy printing, cutting, scoring and putting them together. I think the hardest part was chosing the papers and colours to match. Thought I would share the finished products with you. Hope the teachers like them...

This one is for Travis' teacher

These pencils open up to reveal some goodies.
Toblerone and two pens

For Corey's teacher

Chloe's extra teacher

Chloe's everyday teacher

All four together... sorry about blurry photo
Maybe I've now inspired YOU to make a little something for your own children/s teachers. It doesn't need to be anything extravagant, just something to show that you appreciate their time and effort :o)
All the best to you busy mums for the next two weeks.

Cheers, MontyPosted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. They are great Monique! Well done! Looks super creative. Teachers love this sort of thing way don't they. Happy holidays!!
