Wednesday 7 December 2011

Culture Day.....

Corey's class had to pick a country, study it and write information about it. Corey chose Barbados. Why, you may ask?? because they play soccer :o) kid logic....
Last Tuesday they were allowed to dress up in clothing that their country of choice people wear and also bring some food that is typical for that country to share with the rest of their classmates.
83% of the people in Barbados are dark skinned so I decided to paint Corey brown. He wasn't too impressed and was certainly NOT going to catch the bus looking like this :o)
He also took a whole coconut to school. They only had a drink of the milk as they ran out of time to crack it open and taste the meat. Corey took it home where Nick cracked it open and we all had a taste. Nobody here was very fond of it.
Here are some pictures of what Corey looked like on the day. I thought he looked GREAT!!!

Chloe said to Corey that he wouldn't need to worry about brushing his teeth because against the dark skin they looked really white. LOL.... Needless to say.... he still had to give them a good scrub that morning.
Hope you are all having a good week.
Cheers, MontyPosted by Picasa

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