Tuesday 27 March 2012

Birthday cards....

Thought it was about time to post a few cards I've made recently.
I love this robot stamp. It is part of a set of 6 stamps that I bought from my local stationary shop. So cute and great for creating cards for the boys friends birthdays.
Its so much fun colouring them in.

 I just love this stamp that also came with the robot set. In case you can't read it, it says "boys will be boys". So true!!

This is the other robot in the set. This card was made by 6 year old Travis for his friend Hamish's 6th birthday. He did a beautiful job.

Here is the card I made for my dad. We recently went to Perth to celebrate his birthday with him. Hope he didn't mind that his card arrived a week later :o(
Posted by PicasaHopefully these cards have inspired you somewhat. I just wish I had more time to create cards instead of having to do them at the last minute and everyone receiving them later than their birthday. I hope to share a different project with you sooner (rather than later) but you'll have to wait to see what it is.
Hope you're having a good day.

Cheers, Monty

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