Tuesday 27 March 2012

New Boat......

After much searching and bargaining, Nick has a NEW boat. Its a ripper!! The day after he brought it home we decided to take it for a little rip out on the river.
Was a wonderful morning enjoyed by the whole family.

I'll let the photos tell you of what the family thinks of it.
Miss muffet didn't like the other boat and told us loudly that she was going to stay home while we went on the boat. Needless to say, after only a little while she was off my lap and standing up while we were driving. She loves the new boat.
Here is a pic of the whole boat taken a week later.
Its first (and definately not its last) successful fishing trip.

Sorry about the big gap in posts. Life has been rather hectic. Hope you are all going well. All the best for the last few weeks of the term.

Cheers, Monty
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