Tuesday 31 July 2012

My little girl turns 4....

Where has the time gone????
Last weekend we were able to celebrate Rosalee's 4th birthday.
We thank and praise God for guiding and protecting her throughout the past year. We hope and pray the God will continue to bless her development in the coming year.
We love you lots and lots darling xxx

Here is the beautiful BIRTHDAY GIRL...
She had a little party with 3 of her friends on Friday morning.
All she wanted at her party was a purple dolphin cake.
Hip... hip... Hooray!!!
(One friend got shy and sat on her mum's lap)
Blowing out the candles.
Rosalee's birthday was actually on Sunday.
We just had a quiet celebration with our own little family.

Here is the card I made for her..
She loves horses and the colour purple.
And a shop bought birthday cake :)
Getting to blow out 4 candles again!!!
One of her presents.
A magical show pony whom she has called Olivia.
It neighs, snuggles up to you. Can stand up, sit or lie down. It make munching noises when you put a carrot in her mouth. Its very cute and Rose loves her to bits.

And the rest of her gifts... Very spoilt.
Posted by PicasaI hope you all had a lovely weekend. We certainly had a very festive one.
Till next time, Monty

Monday 23 July 2012

July Holidays...

holiday - a period in which a break is taken from work or studies for rest or recreation.
Collins Dictionary

And thats exactly what we did these holidays!!!
We have all had a wonderful break. We stayed home and didn't get bored :)

Travis and Corey did lots of Bream fishing at the river. Its only a couple of minutes walk down to the river from our back door. They spent hours and hours down there. It was great to see them get along so well. Here's some photos of their catches....
35cm Bream
Corey's friend David caught some too.
He hadn't been fishing before so he was really chuffed.
Corey and Ethan with their five mullet.
These are great bait for Nick's deep sea fishing trips.
The two fisherman :) They had a blast!!!
Corey with the 4 that he caught.
BUBBLES.... are so fascinating to watch.
I loved the way Rose was concentrating on getting soap on the ring, blowing not too hard and then watching them float away in the breeze. Precious moments. 
Travis + Lego = Creative Fun!!!
What started as a simple boat, slowly became a masterpiece. This photo doesn't really do it justice. The red and white bit hanging off the side is a lifeboat, thats ready to be launched if the big boat gets into any trouble. Since this photo, a lot more was added on to it.
Can you guess what this picture is???
Its a penguin sitting on an iceberg :)
Rose did it all by herself and is proud as punch.

Besides these photos, we also did craft, drawing and colouring in, made biscuits, played with playdoh, went to the indoor pool, went to Oma Plug's for a cooking day, had Maccas for lunch, played Wii, watched dvds and more which I did not photograph.
I hope you all had a nice relaxing break. I know that I'm not looking forward to the kids going back to school. Its been sooooo much fun.
Enjoy your last day of holidays everyone. I know I will.

Cheers, Monty Posted by Picasa


"Behold, children are a gift from the Lord..."
Psalm 127:3

I can't believe how quick the kids seem to be growing up. I can remember the day they were born just like it was yesterday. They each have their own character traits which is wonderful. It certainly keeps our household very lively. I am very thankful that I am allowed to be their mother. I certainly parent them with lots of love, guidance, discipline and care.This is not done perfectly by all means. I love the fact that the kids love me, even if I have made the wrong decision, or was unfair or unreasonable...*sigh*. I hope and pray that my children stay close to the Lord and do all things to His honour and Glory.

Chloe - 11
Corey - 8.5
Travis - 6.5
Rosalee - almost 4

All my love, Monty xxPosted by Picasa

Lots of cards..... & 1 scrapbook page....

Well.... its been a while... Time seems to be flying by when you're having fun....
Thought it was time I shared some more cards with you. Some of these I created back in May and June as well as this month... Enjoy....

This is the card I gave to my mum for mother's day... just for something different..
Rosalee took the photo.
My friends daughter wanted to have a craft birthday party so I offered to organise the activity for her as she has a  new little bub to attend to. It was lots of fun.
I'm pretty sure the girls at the party enjoyed the activity.
Here is what they made.

A bag,
which was filled with treats before they went home.
A card for that someone special.
and a bookmark for themselves.
This is the card that I made for the birthday girl.
I used the horse stamp which I gave to her as a pressie :o) 
Yep... you're not seeing things. Its a scrapbook page. We had been asked to create a page about ourselves to put in an album for our new minister.
I was pretty happy with how it turned out.
Every time I make cards now, I try and make two of the same so that I have a spare one as backup for when a birthday pops up out of no where (or rather I haven't checked the calender ) 
A close up of this gorgeous stamp.
Its Spring Kiki from the Kiki La Rue range.
I hope you enjoyed looking at my creations.
I hope to post some school holiday photos up soon.

Cheers, MontyPosted by Picasa