Monday 23 July 2012


"Behold, children are a gift from the Lord..."
Psalm 127:3

I can't believe how quick the kids seem to be growing up. I can remember the day they were born just like it was yesterday. They each have their own character traits which is wonderful. It certainly keeps our household very lively. I am very thankful that I am allowed to be their mother. I certainly parent them with lots of love, guidance, discipline and care.This is not done perfectly by all means. I love the fact that the kids love me, even if I have made the wrong decision, or was unfair or unreasonable...*sigh*. I hope and pray that my children stay close to the Lord and do all things to His honour and Glory.

Chloe - 11
Corey - 8.5
Travis - 6.5
Rosalee - almost 4

All my love, Monty xxPosted by Picasa

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