Tuesday 31 July 2012

My little girl turns 4....

Where has the time gone????
Last weekend we were able to celebrate Rosalee's 4th birthday.
We thank and praise God for guiding and protecting her throughout the past year. We hope and pray the God will continue to bless her development in the coming year.
We love you lots and lots darling xxx

Here is the beautiful BIRTHDAY GIRL...
She had a little party with 3 of her friends on Friday morning.
All she wanted at her party was a purple dolphin cake.
Hip... hip... Hooray!!!
(One friend got shy and sat on her mum's lap)
Blowing out the candles.
Rosalee's birthday was actually on Sunday.
We just had a quiet celebration with our own little family.

Here is the card I made for her..
She loves horses and the colour purple.
And a shop bought birthday cake :)
Getting to blow out 4 candles again!!!
One of her presents.
A magical show pony whom she has called Olivia.
It neighs, snuggles up to you. Can stand up, sit or lie down. It make munching noises when you put a carrot in her mouth. Its very cute and Rose loves her to bits.

And the rest of her gifts... Very spoilt.
Posted by PicasaI hope you all had a lovely weekend. We certainly had a very festive one.
Till next time, Monty

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