Tuesday 21 August 2012

Photo a Day in August 16-22

16. Food
1 Banana bread, 2x Dutch Koek, 1 big bowl of Apple sauce
and 1 Apple crumble. All in a days work :o)
17. Faces
I look into these 4 beautiful faces every day xx
18. Inside
Its too wet to hang outside :(
19. Hole
Travis' lego house has a hole in its roof
20. Today
Made a card for a lovely couple who celebrated 50 years of marriage.
21. Cool
This little "boo boo buddy" is well used in this household.
Its a kids ice pack
22. Home
I'm glad to be inside with such stormy weather going on.
I hope you are all having a great day.
I'm off to make some cupcakes for the kids after school snack
and then I'm putting my roast on... aahh... gotta love cold, wintry days.
Cheers, MontyPosted by Picasa

Wednesday 15 August 2012

August 10-15

10. Ring
nicely displayed on Rose's toe
11. Purple
Rosalee's favourite colour is purple
12. Spoon
I'm sure every household has one of these. But does it get as much use as mine???
13. Simple
One simple word, with such a HUGE meaning.
14. Arrow
Thought outside the square for this one :o)
15. Ready
Apple pie (my mum's recipe) all ready to be eaten by the members
who attend bible study club at our house tonight.
Cheers, MontyPosted by Picasa

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Mail for cousins.....

I can post these photos now that I know they've been received...

The other night Rose was upset  because she was missing her cousin Eva.
I told her to draw a picture for her and then we can send it in the mail to her house.
That put a smile on her face and she got right to it.
I didn't tell her what to draw. This is what she came up with all by herself.
I just LOVE kids drawings..
The artist and her picture.
She drew a picture for Maddox aswell.
She thought he might get sad if he doesn't get any mail...
She's happy now that she's drawn them a picture.
Posted by PicasaHopefully she will get to receive some mail soon too....

Cheers, Monty

For my Mum......

While Mum and Dad have been away enjoying retirement life travels,
we have been dog sitting Mum's pooch Maxi.....
He's itching (no he hasn't got fleas) to say hi, and to let you know how he's going Mum.

Hi Sue... Its me... Maxi....
Here's a photo of me in case you've forgotten what I look like.
I love it here!!! I have a yard with a view....
And outside the yard I have plenty of room to run and bark..
My bed is nicely tucked away... under a table..
which is beautifully surrounded by an abundance of bikes,
roller blades, ripstik and scooters..
I wouldn't  have it any other way. It inspires me to get rolling in the mornings..
Or I just spend my time lazing around in the sun.
Sometimes I like to go for a ride...
I especially love the cuddles I get from Poppet. When I'm sitting at the door I can hear her say... "Oh mum, I think Maxi just needs a big cuddle from me. He looks lonely"....
Yep she certainly has made life living here very special.
The thing I absolutely LOVE to do is to go down to the river.
These two were my best buddies for two weeks. When they went fishing... 
I got to go EXPLORING!!!! Oh the smells........ I was one HAPPY dog... 
I even went swimming numerous times...
While the boys kept reeling them in...
You just can't wipe the smile off my face :o)
So.... no need to rush down here to pick me up.... oh... unless you're missing me....

All my love, Maxi xxPosted by Picasa

Thursday 9 August 2012

Photo a day in August....

5. Logo
This is our school logo. I love the words and I am very thankful
we can send our children to a christian school.
6. Writing
This is some of Travis' writing. He is in grade one. He has beautiful, neat writing.
7. 8 o'clock am
This is the time that my children leave the house to go to the bus stop. 
8. Glasses
Well.... I enjoy a couple of wines on the weekend.... Lets pretend its the weekend already ;o) 
9. Messy
This is what my kitchen bench looks like right at the moment I type this... *sigh* 
Posted by PicasaCheers, Monty

Friday 3 August 2012

Photo a Day in August.....

Thought I would give this photo challenge a try this month. I can't promise that I'll upload a photo everyday, however I'll post a few at a time. That way I won't bore you too much.

1. Outside
You're probably thinking... a photo of a dog outside... how boring...
Well... we are dogsitting this pooch at the moment. He is my mum's dog and he lives in the Perth metro area. When he is at home he hangs around inside most of the day as well as sleeping inside at night. Out here.. he is only ever outside. Where he belongs... and where he is loving the great outdoors.... (another post about him later)
2. One
One Earth.
3. Coin
This is a coin from our trip to Hong Kong in October 2010.
I just love the wavy edge.
4. Somewhere you sat
On my new best friend.. A total trainer :)
I'm looking forward to thinking outside the square for some of these challenges.Posted by Picasa
Why don't you join in for some fun :)

Cheers, Monty