Tuesday 21 August 2012

Photo a Day in August 16-22

16. Food
1 Banana bread, 2x Dutch Koek, 1 big bowl of Apple sauce
and 1 Apple crumble. All in a days work :o)
17. Faces
I look into these 4 beautiful faces every day xx
18. Inside
Its too wet to hang outside :(
19. Hole
Travis' lego house has a hole in its roof
20. Today
Made a card for a lovely couple who celebrated 50 years of marriage.
21. Cool
This little "boo boo buddy" is well used in this household.
Its a kids ice pack
22. Home
I'm glad to be inside with such stormy weather going on.
I hope you are all having a great day.
I'm off to make some cupcakes for the kids after school snack
and then I'm putting my roast on... aahh... gotta love cold, wintry days.
Cheers, MontyPosted by Picasa

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