Tuesday 14 August 2012

For my Mum......

While Mum and Dad have been away enjoying retirement life travels,
we have been dog sitting Mum's pooch Maxi.....
He's itching (no he hasn't got fleas) to say hi, and to let you know how he's going Mum.

Hi Sue... Its me... Maxi....
Here's a photo of me in case you've forgotten what I look like.
I love it here!!! I have a yard with a view....
And outside the yard I have plenty of room to run and bark..
My bed is nicely tucked away... under a table..
which is beautifully surrounded by an abundance of bikes,
roller blades, ripstik and scooters..
I wouldn't  have it any other way. It inspires me to get rolling in the mornings..
Or I just spend my time lazing around in the sun.
Sometimes I like to go for a ride...
I especially love the cuddles I get from Poppet. When I'm sitting at the door I can hear her say... "Oh mum, I think Maxi just needs a big cuddle from me. He looks lonely"....
Yep she certainly has made life living here very special.
The thing I absolutely LOVE to do is to go down to the river.
These two were my best buddies for two weeks. When they went fishing... 
I got to go EXPLORING!!!! Oh the smells........ I was one HAPPY dog... 
I even went swimming numerous times...
While the boys kept reeling them in...
You just can't wipe the smile off my face :o)
So.... no need to rush down here to pick me up.... oh... unless you're missing me....

All my love, Maxi xxPosted by Picasa

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