Friday 21 September 2012

Little Miss Rose......

....loves to get out craft supplies and create pictures.
The other day we both sat down and made a little girl picture.

This is what Rosalee made.
She is just gorgeous.
She drew and cut everything out except for the flower in her hair.
She is really proud of her picture...
My little girl is growing up soooooo fast!!!

Love MontyPosted by Picasa

Father's Day......

Better late than never right?????
September has been a very hectic time for me...
hence the lack of postings..

On Saturday the 1st of September the kids gave their dad an
early Father's Day present... A remote control boat....
Nick's been wanting one of these for quite some time so
I took the kids to the shop to pick one out...
They decided that he needed to have it a day early as otherwise
he wouldn't be able to drive it straightaway because it was Sunday...
That is why the boys are in soccer clothes and Nick is in work clothes.

Its a little ripper.... Enjoy the photos
On Saturday afternoon we took the kids for a walk along the
Middleton Beach Boardwalk. It was such a lovely afternoon.
We got to watch whales frolicking in the water and dolphins jumping.
We are so blessed to have all of this on our doorstep.
God and His creation is awesome....
The kids made a special effort to spoil their Dad on Sunday.
Its beautiful to watch the way they look up to him and how they soak
up as much knowledge off him as possible. They are blessed to have a
father who works hard at being a great role model for his kids,
he works hard in his job and also in his role as deacon. He helps the
kids with their psalms, home readers, spelling and other homework...
He is a great, wonderful father I'm sure all the kids agree...
and I'm sure not all kids can say that their dad makes their school lunches :o)

I hope you all got to have a beautiful Father's Day...

Good night to you all.
Cheers, MontyPosted by Picasa

Wednesday 5 September 2012


I just LOVE Lego... and so do my kids!!!!

The other day I sat in the games room with Rose and made a double storey house.
I really enjoyed creating something original.
The older kids came home from school and loved what they saw.
Lets just say... it certainly got their creative juices flowing...

On the left is the house I made.... all the extra bits Chloe has created.
I've found her quietly putting together the finer things needed
for in and around the house.
I absolutely LOVE it!!!
I think I need to learn how to take better photos of lego.. 
Corey took one look at my house and then set to work and created a 3 storey house...
No... he's not competitive at all ;o)
A service station with outside eating area...
Travis got this robber hide-a-away set for his birthday.
I hope I've inspired you to sit down and make something creative with lego..
mmmm.... might make a lego meal for dinner tonight :o)

Cheers, MontyPosted by Picasa

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Travis turns 7.......

7 years ago we were blessed with our third child....
He had a wonderful day with his family and friends.
May our Heavenly Father continue to surround him with
His love and care throughout the year ahead.
We love you lots Travis. You bring lots of joy into our lives...

The card I made for him..
His party invites..
I found this site with heaps of free party printables
for any themed birthday party you are planning.
I saw these spiders on pinterest and thought they would look great as a table decoration.
Sail boat jelly cups...
Fruit swords...
Treasure Chest cake....
The cake was ice cream.. The boys loved it...
The pirate himself..
Activities for them to do..
While internet browsing I came across one ladies blog where she had the following games
set up for her little party guests. I thought they were a terrific idea
so I decided to organise them for Travis' mates.
Unfortunately I can't find the paper with her blog address so I can't give her credit.
I placed an X on the back of the map and the boys were given a little x
to place somewhere on the island.
It was great that they didn't need to have a blindfold on.
Dig for Treasure...
The treasure being a lolly bag wrapped in a plastic bag they had to dig up
before I took the party boys home.
One spoilt boy...
Was a fun day for everyone.......

Cheers, MontyPosted by Picasa

Monday 3 September 2012

Photo a day in August...

This will be my last post of  'photo a day in August'...
I was actually very organised and had every intention of doing this post on Friday the 31st August but our internet and phones were down. They didn't get sorted till yesterday and then for some reason I still couldn't post it until today.... Patience...sigh......

23. Pair
This is one of Travis' home readers. Kangaroo is buying one pair of shoes.
24. Path
This is a path I walk often... when weather and time permits :o)
25. Fresh
There is nothing better than hopping into a bed with fresh sheets.... 
26. Dream
With all this cold weather we have been having, I'm dreaming of being here :o)
27. Tap
28. Clock
29. Down
30. Card
This was for my son's 7th birthday (next post)
31. Hidden
Look carefully... someone's hiding...
Well thats it for the month of August. I must say it was a lot of fun. I won't be doing the next one... but why don't you give it a try. Let me know if you do.......
would love to come and check out your photos.
Hope you are all going well. At the moment it is pouring with rain, windy and very cold.
Till next time...
Cheers, MontyPosted by Picasa