Wednesday 5 September 2012


I just LOVE Lego... and so do my kids!!!!

The other day I sat in the games room with Rose and made a double storey house.
I really enjoyed creating something original.
The older kids came home from school and loved what they saw.
Lets just say... it certainly got their creative juices flowing...

On the left is the house I made.... all the extra bits Chloe has created.
I've found her quietly putting together the finer things needed
for in and around the house.
I absolutely LOVE it!!!
I think I need to learn how to take better photos of lego.. 
Corey took one look at my house and then set to work and created a 3 storey house...
No... he's not competitive at all ;o)
A service station with outside eating area...
Travis got this robber hide-a-away set for his birthday.
I hope I've inspired you to sit down and make something creative with lego..
mmmm.... might make a lego meal for dinner tonight :o)

Cheers, MontyPosted by Picasa

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