Monday 27 February 2012

Happy 70th.....

to my dear Mother-In-Law

God has blessed her with 70 years of life and we hope and pray that He will continue to surround her with His love and Care for many more years to come.

To celebrate this milestone the family got together for a weekend of camping. We stayed at Camp Kennedy, Albany for 3 nights. It was a wonderful way to spend quality time together. Below are some photos of all the fun we had.

The Birthday Lady xx

The card I made for her.

Opened up.

Game of cricket.


Waiting for the photographer to arrive so we could have family photos taken.

3 cousins.

Perkins Beach.

Game time, as it was raining outside.

Mum with her 3 daughters.

Dinner time.

Posted by PicasaWas a wonderful weekend enjoyed by all. Thanks for the memories everyone.

Love Monty xx

Birthday Girl.....

11 years ago on the 19th of February the Lord blessed our marriage with a healthy daughter. We were over the moon. I can't believe how quick that time has gone already. Chloe is a real blessing in this family.
I forgot to take a photo of her on her birthday so here is a recent one. 

This is the birthday card I made for her. Its a tri-shutter card. It looks hard, but is actually very simple. I got the tutorial on how to make this from the Split Coast Stampers website. (sorry can't get the link to work).

 This is what it looks like closed.

Opened up.

Side view.

Birthday cake.... yes she loves horses

Chloe's birthday was on a Sunday so the Friday beforehand she invited 4 friends to come over for a sleepover party.

We set the tent up in the shed ( so the noise level could be contained )

On the invite the girls were asked to bring their ripstiks.... What a brilliant idea that was. They spent lots of time and energy on them.

Posing together.
Posted by PicasaI hope they weren't too grumpy when they got home ;)
Chloe certainly enjoyed their company. Thanks girls!!


Back to school...

These photos were taken at the beginning of February.
You could feel the excitement in the air. My kids had a very relaxing break so they were all ready to get back into school.

This brings back memories when my mum used to take photos of me and my sisters on our first day back at school. We used to stand near a tree stump :o)

Rose insisted on being on the photo aswell..
The kids settled in really well. Rose enjoyed having some time on her own for the first day... but on the second day she spent a lot of time telling me that she has no one to play with.... is it time to pick the kids up... can I go to Becca's house... can Becca come to my house... :o)
I hope your children have settled into school well.
Cheers, Monty 
Posted by Picasa

Monday 13 February 2012

Its been a while.....

Hello blogging world.... It certainly has been a while :o)
We have all had a wonderful, relaxing break that it feels good to get back into routine... lunches, library bags, psalms, home readers...and more...

Just a couple of photos to share with you.
This one is from November taken at my mum and dad's place

Us with mum and dad

This one was taken in Busselton on a hot afternoon
Posted by PicasaThis photo is precious.
I found a couple of poems that I would like to share with you.

A Wonderful Mother
author unknown

God made a wonderful mother,
A mother who never grows old.
He made her smile of the sunshine,
And He made her heart of pure gold.
In her eyes He placed bright shining stars,
In her cheeks, fair roses you see.
God made that wonderful mother,
And He gave that dear mother to me

Sisters We Are And Always Will Be
Kathy Lohr - I changed it a bit to suit me

Thirty five years have come and gone, and now with time to reflect,
We've all gone our different ways which I didn't really expect.
It seems I've really missed so much throughout these many years,
Hugs and kisses, the families touch, the laughter and the tears.
Although we've had our separate lives we share a common theme,
Sisters are aware of each other's hopes, they cherish each others dreams.
As I get older and my life and the time moves by so fast,
I find myself looking at your pictures to remind me of the past.
I realize that through the years, of the many friends I've made and left behind,
That you my wonderful sisters, you are my best friends,
and you've been there all the time.
Let's take this time together, to laugh, to cry, and remember,
For we'll always be close as sisters, whether were near or far apart.
A sister is a sister, forever in my heart.

Take the time to cherish your family.
Love Monty xx

Wednesday 1 February 2012


Just before new years we headed off to Busselton to spend some time with my parents, my sisters and their families.

We had a wonderful time enjoying the beach with Jay & Estelle's jetski.

Travis driving the jetski. He was sooo proud of it :o)


Eva and Rose

Cricket at Annette's place

Two cutie pops xx

3 cousins having fun together

A serious card game was going on
Posted by PicasaI know that mum and dad took lots more photos so I'll have to see if they can send me some so I can post them on my blog.

Hope you are all going well.
Cheers, Monty