Monday 27 February 2012

Happy 70th.....

to my dear Mother-In-Law

God has blessed her with 70 years of life and we hope and pray that He will continue to surround her with His love and Care for many more years to come.

To celebrate this milestone the family got together for a weekend of camping. We stayed at Camp Kennedy, Albany for 3 nights. It was a wonderful way to spend quality time together. Below are some photos of all the fun we had.

The Birthday Lady xx

The card I made for her.

Opened up.

Game of cricket.


Waiting for the photographer to arrive so we could have family photos taken.

3 cousins.

Perkins Beach.

Game time, as it was raining outside.

Mum with her 3 daughters.

Dinner time.

Posted by PicasaWas a wonderful weekend enjoyed by all. Thanks for the memories everyone.

Love Monty xx

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