Monday 27 February 2012

Birthday Girl.....

11 years ago on the 19th of February the Lord blessed our marriage with a healthy daughter. We were over the moon. I can't believe how quick that time has gone already. Chloe is a real blessing in this family.
I forgot to take a photo of her on her birthday so here is a recent one. 

This is the birthday card I made for her. Its a tri-shutter card. It looks hard, but is actually very simple. I got the tutorial on how to make this from the Split Coast Stampers website. (sorry can't get the link to work).

 This is what it looks like closed.

Opened up.

Side view.

Birthday cake.... yes she loves horses

Chloe's birthday was on a Sunday so the Friday beforehand she invited 4 friends to come over for a sleepover party.

We set the tent up in the shed ( so the noise level could be contained )

On the invite the girls were asked to bring their ripstiks.... What a brilliant idea that was. They spent lots of time and energy on them.

Posing together.
Posted by PicasaI hope they weren't too grumpy when they got home ;)
Chloe certainly enjoyed their company. Thanks girls!!


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