Monday 29 October 2012

Corey turns 9......

On Sunday the 28th of October
Corey was able to celebrate another BIRTHDAY!!
The Lord has guided and blessed him throughout the past year
which we are very thankful for.
We pray that God will continue to bless his developement
and keep him safe throughout another year.
He has a beautiful caring nature (underneath his rough exterior)
We are so blessed that he is part of our family.

Here's the handsome lad himself...
Decorations certainly add to the party atmosphere.
This streamer came all the way from Holland only a week before his birthday.
Thanks Uncle Maarten...
Icecream cake... Yum..yum... on a hot day...
Brotherly LOVE.......
Today after school Corey had a pool party with his mates..
They're waiting to go on the slide..
Corey and his best buddie Ethan...
Lots of pressies to keep a 9 year out of mischief...
or maybe get him into more???
Its so beautiful to watch your children grow... There are times when
I would like to stop the clock and enjoy them at certain stages
of their lives a little longer... while there are other times I would like to
speed things along a little... :o)

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. We certainly did..
Love Monty xx
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Monday 22 October 2012

BALI - October 2012

We have been blessed to be able to travel to another country
to enjoy their way of life and culture.
We had a wonderful holiday together. God is good.
I hope you enjoy some of my photos.

7pm at night, waiting to board our flight. VERY EXCITING!!
Playground at Waterbom Park... FANTASTIC PLACE!!! 
Getting to play with cousin Eva was a great highlight for Rose 
Some of the rides I bravely went on, along with Nick, Chloe, Corey & Travis 
Plait your hair???? Paint your nails? We do good job...
It only took them half an hour to do.
Chloe loved being pampered :o)

Rosalee being pampered. She was very patient...
We stayed at Sanur Paradise Plaza Suites.
What a great place!! Designed for FAMILIES....

Here is one part of the pool.
The other part including a volleyball net.
You go under ground where there is video games, table tennis,
BIG chess, TV with DVDs and craft activites for kids.
When you come out the other side there is a kids playground and
right next to it is a kiddie pool with a big slide aswell.
Talk about a FUN place to be!!!!!

Corey coming down the slide on a tube...
We went to the Safari Park with my mum and two sisters
Carmen and Estelle and their families. Was soooo much fun....

Chloe with her boyfriend :o)
He was shoving peas up his nose...
This beautiful family of monkeys
Travis and a lion cub...
Beautiful photo...
Being very brave here...
Oma (and Opa on her lap) with some of their grandchildren :o) 
Water playground at the Safari Park. FANTASTIC!!!
Rose and Eva on a ride..
Very fast slow boat ride with animals all around you.
Another boat load of tourists...
Bumper cars.... Soooo much fun...
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More Bali pics.....

Another ride. This one looked pretty scary..
Artist at work at the painting factory...
Kite making place. These ladies hand paint them all. Unbelievable!!
Coffee plantation... Some samples of coffee, herbs and spices..
This is a Mongoose. They are let out at night where they eat their fill
of coffee beans... Once they poop them out, the ladies wash them,
dry them and then peel them by hand.
No wonder I don't drink coffee....
They then roast the beans for 4o minutes...
Then they grind the roasted beans...
Time to taste their wares... Coffee and different types of teas...
Just wondering where mum is going to sit???
Wood carving factory. Very skilled people...
Monkey Forest.... Very friendly...
Rose wasn't so sure about them jumping all over us..
Kawi our tour guide for the day. Had lots of information to share..
Stall along the Sanur Beach Path..
Second lot of plaits and nails done the night before we went back home..
Rose wasn't so patient this time round....
Sitting back relaxing at a Cafe on the beach...
Dad and his boys... LOVE....
Living area of our hotel room.. It was MASSIVE!!
Last brekky before we head back home.
I found that Sanur was no where as busy as what Kuta is.
We really loved the hotel, the swimming pools,
breakfast service, poolside service. The Balinese people are
so friendly and always willing to help.
It was beautiful that we could also enjoy some time together
with some of my family members...

I hope you enjoyed my photos.

All the best for the last term of the year.

Love Monty xxPosted by Picasa