Monday 15 October 2012

LOOK bag....

Every now and then I like to do a bit of blogging... Its great when you
come across a blog where you love what you see and want to use the
idea straight away. Well, after seeing this lovely ladies blog here I
couldn't wait to get out my sewing machine. Now for those of you who
know me ;o) this is not a regular thing for me to do.
Me + Sewing = Frustration and confusion.
I must say that using felt instead of material appealed to me straight away.

Here it is.... a LOOK and FIND bag...
I must say I was impressed with how it turned out!!
I took a photo of all the bits and pieces I was putting in the bag, and then
loaded them onto the computer. From there I cropped each picture and placed
wording next to it. I made sure it all fitted into the window I had made for it.
I printed it out on photo paper to get the best quality.
You can use rice or beads as the main contents. I thought rice would be too easy
to find things in so I ended up buying a bag of iron on beads.
(I had never seen these before. I just happened to spot them)
It has certainly had plenty of use already. We took it on our trip to Bali.
It was used while waiting to board our plane, sitting in the plane, in our hotel,
at our breakfast table, at dinner time and plenty more. Its great for all ages :o)
I was so excited to have completed one that I decided to make another two...
Well... lets just say that my enthusiasm for these bags dissappeared real quick
when I was working on number two. The felt I had stretched really bad, which caused
me lots of frustration... Then my machine started jamming up and I was breaking
needles... grrrr... things were not going very well.
It just so happens that my very capable sewing friend was coming over for a cuppa
one particular morning so she helped me get it up and running again...
only for it to last 5 minutes after she walked out the door. I then packed it away,
calmed myself down, and told myself to be thankful that I was able to complete one bag.
Well... this very capable sewing friend of mine loved the whole idea and offered to sew the
second one for me, so I could have two to take on holidays.
She found that the felt was stretching too much so she did the outside of the bag
with material... plus extra trimmings like a clip to keep it closed and a string hanging
from the side.... All stuff a regular sewing person would do without thinking twice :o)
I was very thankful to her for completing it so quickly.

Here it is.... Very impressive...
This wonderful friend also placed a mystery item in for the kids
to find which was not on the list. It was such a thoughtful idea.
As for making a third bag... mmmm.... maybe some time in the future...
I need to sort my machine out first... and I think I might try to make it out
of fabric.... Will definately have to post a picture if it actually happens....

Maybe you might want to give this idea a try... GOOD LUCK!!!!

Cheers, Monty

PS I hope to post some Bali photos up soon :o)Posted by Picasa

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