Monday 1 October 2012

Time is flying.... and so are we....

Its been  a bit quiet on my blog as a lot has been happening around here.
I've been very involved with helping out in our church community, as well
as running a household of 6... Time certainly disappears very quickly...

I'm very blessed to be going on a wonderful holiday with my husband and
children to Bali. All being well, we will be flying out tomorrow night.
Everyone is VERY excited as well as VERY nervous. Its a first flight for
all of the children. I'll let you know how we all went. Once we're back on
solid ground, I will try to post some photos sooner, rather than later.. :)

Today we had beautiful weather and got to spend the afternoon lazying
around on the beach.... I hope you all got a chance to head out to enjoy
this lovely spring weather.

God's blessings to you all this holiday break...

Love Monty xx

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