Monday 22 October 2012

More Bali pics.....

Another ride. This one looked pretty scary..
Artist at work at the painting factory...
Kite making place. These ladies hand paint them all. Unbelievable!!
Coffee plantation... Some samples of coffee, herbs and spices..
This is a Mongoose. They are let out at night where they eat their fill
of coffee beans... Once they poop them out, the ladies wash them,
dry them and then peel them by hand.
No wonder I don't drink coffee....
They then roast the beans for 4o minutes...
Then they grind the roasted beans...
Time to taste their wares... Coffee and different types of teas...
Just wondering where mum is going to sit???
Wood carving factory. Very skilled people...
Monkey Forest.... Very friendly...
Rose wasn't so sure about them jumping all over us..
Kawi our tour guide for the day. Had lots of information to share..
Stall along the Sanur Beach Path..
Second lot of plaits and nails done the night before we went back home..
Rose wasn't so patient this time round....
Sitting back relaxing at a Cafe on the beach...
Dad and his boys... LOVE....
Living area of our hotel room.. It was MASSIVE!!
Last brekky before we head back home.
I found that Sanur was no where as busy as what Kuta is.
We really loved the hotel, the swimming pools,
breakfast service, poolside service. The Balinese people are
so friendly and always willing to help.
It was beautiful that we could also enjoy some time together
with some of my family members...

I hope you enjoyed my photos.

All the best for the last term of the year.

Love Monty xxPosted by Picasa

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