Thursday 22 August 2013

A little modification to our home......

When we were building our house Nick really wanted a wood heater but I refused.
I was 7 months pregnant with our third child and did not want a wood heater
because I was really worried that the children would touch it and burn themselves.
I also just wanted convenience heating too... :)

WELL....... 8 years later..... Nick got his wish...
and our youngest child is 5 years old.. :)
Here he is laying the tiles down while Rose is handing out instructions.
The next day he put the grout on.. I helped him so no progress photos to show.
A friend of ours got us a fire for nothing from a lady he was doing
a job for. It's in great condition. We were thrilled!!!
A man came and installed the fire as we wanted it done properly
and all done according to regulations.
All done!!! YAY!!!!
By the looks of this photo it seems like we have had the fire for ages already. 
Its only been going for two days but we are really enjoying the warmth...
Well.... I had better go and put another log on the fire :)

Cheers, MontyPosted by Picasa

Thursday 1 August 2013

Rose turns FIVE.......

My little girl turned five this past Monday....
Here is my little princess on her BIG day...
She took a photo of her presents that she got from us...
Its lots of fun playing with new toys...
Multi tasking.... Stirring the pan while on the phone :) Too cute....
Birthday cake...
Partying with her best friend and her family...
Hugs with Oma Plug...
Today she had a combined playgroup party with another girl who turned 5 today...
Lots of pressies to keep this little BIG girl busy :)
We love you lots Rosalee XXOO

We are thankful to our Heavenly Father for guiding and blessing
Rosalee's growth and development throughout the past year.
May He continue to surround her with His love, care and protection
for the year that is ahead. May we as parents also be given the strength
and patience to raise our children up in the fear of His Name.

Cheers, MontyPosted by Picasa

July holidays......

Our holiday started with my birthday...
I received two beautiful bunches of flowers.

These are from Nick.
These are from my parents who were holidaying over east at the time.
The first couple of days..... this is how the kids spent it....
Good 'ole quality time of their DS's....
Chloe felt like baking... Yummy...
Playdoh time with the neighbours grandchildren...
Fishing down at the ponds with cousins...
And swimming :)... It was freezing... Silly boys...
Posing in the bush...
A walk/ rollerblade/ scooter from Emu Point to Middleton Beach...
and then all the way back again where we enjoyed a beautiful lunch in the sunshine.
Looking at some boats on the water. Corey is always helping his little sister.
Yep..... You're not seeing things... That's me on the scooter....
Boy they are FUN... Rose is on my back because she was getting a bit tired.
Posing again :)
I sewed Rose a laundry bag for her bedroom... She had been bugging me for
a while because I had made one for the other kids already.
They were heaps of fun to make.
The green one is Chloe's and the black one is for the boys...
Chloe went for private horse riding lessons. She is enjoying them heaps.
She has a really lovely teacher and has learnt a lot from her.
Rose patting the horse.
While Chloe went horse riding... the boys went fishing...
Corey with a queen snapper...
Travis with a breaksea cod.
Their catch.... Nice work boys... YUMMY!!!
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Travis and Leo
While Nick was away all the kids came to Chloe's horse riding lesson.
There is a beautiful bush surrounding the horse paddock.
Corey and Rose posing for me....
The teacher asked if the kids would like to have a little ride.
They were very excited....
We celebrated Nick's birthday at the end of the school holidays...
I found this photo on my camera of the card I gave Nick...
A certain little miss hijacked my camera :)

This photo was taken by Rose when we visited the farm.
Beautiful shot. This calf is 2 days old...
Aaaahhhh... A little black kitten.....
Every time we go to the farm.. the kids want to find some kittens...
They got lucky once again....
We did a little shootin..... Rose loved it... She even fired the gun too...
Rabbit stew anyone????
And now we are back into the swing of school routines.
I hope you all had a wonderful, relaxing break....
All the best for Term 3.... Crumbs.... time is a flying...

Love Monty xxPosted by Picasa