Thursday 1 August 2013

Rose turns FIVE.......

My little girl turned five this past Monday....
Here is my little princess on her BIG day...
She took a photo of her presents that she got from us...
Its lots of fun playing with new toys...
Multi tasking.... Stirring the pan while on the phone :) Too cute....
Birthday cake...
Partying with her best friend and her family...
Hugs with Oma Plug...
Today she had a combined playgroup party with another girl who turned 5 today...
Lots of pressies to keep this little BIG girl busy :)
We love you lots Rosalee XXOO

We are thankful to our Heavenly Father for guiding and blessing
Rosalee's growth and development throughout the past year.
May He continue to surround her with His love, care and protection
for the year that is ahead. May we as parents also be given the strength
and patience to raise our children up in the fear of His Name.

Cheers, MontyPosted by Picasa

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