Thursday 1 August 2013

Travis and Leo
While Nick was away all the kids came to Chloe's horse riding lesson.
There is a beautiful bush surrounding the horse paddock.
Corey and Rose posing for me....
The teacher asked if the kids would like to have a little ride.
They were very excited....
We celebrated Nick's birthday at the end of the school holidays...
I found this photo on my camera of the card I gave Nick...
A certain little miss hijacked my camera :)

This photo was taken by Rose when we visited the farm.
Beautiful shot. This calf is 2 days old...
Aaaahhhh... A little black kitten.....
Every time we go to the farm.. the kids want to find some kittens...
They got lucky once again....
We did a little shootin..... Rose loved it... She even fired the gun too...
Rabbit stew anyone????
And now we are back into the swing of school routines.
I hope you all had a wonderful, relaxing break....
All the best for Term 3.... Crumbs.... time is a flying...

Love Monty xxPosted by Picasa

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