Friday 7 October 2011

Fishing trip with Dad.....

On Wednesday afternoon, Nickknocked off work early and took the boys squiding. The boys were very excited to go. They love squiding in the bay. I was expecting them to come home with only squid. When they came home they ran up  to the door telling me that Dad caught a pink snapper, some whiting and more. He had obviously taken them out deeper. I'm glad he didn't tell me beforehand because I would have been quite worried. We ended up having two meals of fish as well as giving some to our neighbour. It was delicious!!!

Corey and Travis are proud of their ( and Dad's ) catch.

Corey cleaning his squid.

Travis cleaning his squid.... which was the BIGGEST of the three.

Posted by PicasaThe photos are dark because they didn't come home from fishing till 7pm, so they were cleaning the fish under the spotlight at the shed.

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