Monday 10 October 2011

T-shirt transfers.....

Last week Thursday we had ourselves a bit of a creative time. Lately the kids love to sit down and draw different sorts of  robots. Its cute to see what they all come up with. They then like to give them funny names to go with their little masterpieces. I asked them all to draw a robot that I could iron onto some white shirts which I had purchased from Target. They thought this was a cool idea and also heaps of fun. Chloe was away at her friends house for the day and came home with some beautiful photos of her and a horse. We decided to put a photo onto her shirt instead of her drawing a robot. They all turned out very cute. Here are the finished products.

Meet Rosabot

Meet Travabot

Meet Coreybot

And Chloe with a horse called Fabian

My beautiful kids
Posted by PicasaWe then decided to take the kids out to ten pin  bowling. They have never been before. I had checked it out earlier on in the day and there was a group of kids playing. The lights were all flouresent so their shirts were glowing. I told the kids to wear their robots shirts so they could glow while they played their game. When we go there, the lights were all on. I asked the lady at the desk if she could turn them off. She told me that she doesn't do that until it starts getting darker outside. I don't know whether the kids or myself were most disappointed. About 5 minutes before we finished our game the lady turned the lights off, so we got to enjoy glowing shirts for a very short time. It was still lots of fun.
Hope you all had a great day.
Cheers, Monty

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