Monday 17 October 2011

More fun with cousins.....

We were thrilled to have Nick's sister Rita and children come for a visit at our house. The kids all get along very well. They always seem to pair up as my photos show. Time spent with cousins is priceless.

Casey and Chloe

Corey and Levi

Travis and Toby

Rosalee and Brooklyn

And of course little Annie. She certainly didn't miss out on any cuddles

Chloe adores her little cousin

Corey was enjoying his cuddle

Rosalee just wanted to play with her like a doll. She kept telling me how cute little Annie is.
Travis was not so sure about her. He refused to hold her, but yet we caught him looking at her in fascination.
After dinner, we said our goodbye, however, we were lucky enough to get to see them once again before they left for Perth.
Was a wonderful catchup.

Cheers, MontyPosted by Picasa

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