Monday 17 October 2011

Holiday Fun........

Our first week of holidays was spent mainly at home as we had a gastro bug slowly making its rounds through the family. Nobody seemed to mind because they were enjoying playing Wii, Lego, playdoh, soccer... without having to be stopped to go and do homework :)

Every holidays we like to hook the bikes up and go for a ride. I usually park at Emu Point where we then ride to Middleton Beach. It takes approx 25 - 30 mins. Its a great way for the kids to expend some energy.

All loaded and ready to go.

Lets ride!!!

Destination: Middleton Beach playground. More energy expended :)

Chloe ready to head back to Emu Point


Rosalee and myself


We spent one afternoon at the Mostert's farm. There is never a dull moment at this farm, and theres never a shortage of animals, whether big or small either. It is a place that my kids could stay and play for a very long time. Whenever we go, its just never long enough. To get the kids back in the car to go home takes an eternity in itself ( winking at you Rita )
By looking at these photos, you'll understand why :)

Having a ride on the back of Dylan's ute
Hamish, Travis, Corey and Zachary

Corey feeding one of the baby calves

The calves love sucking on your fingers

Rose isn't too sure whether to let this one suck her finger

Sitting around in the sun.
Hamish, Zac, Corey, Trav and Rose

Rose and Chloe wanted to have a ride on the back of the ute too. Roxanne had just hopped off to open a gate. She looked after Rose.

The ride stopped here. The ute got bogged. The kids thought it was really cool. Especially Chloe, beacause she didn't want to go home later on. She was trying to find any reason for us all to stay for dinner.

I was in the patrol with Annette. We stopped and watched Dylan try to get himself out ( minus kids on the back ). He had no luck. He told us we had to pull him out, but when we tried to get going, we were bogged too :)

The kids didn't care. Dylan told them all to get some sticks and branches to put under the wheels and then they all had to give him a push ( minus me, I was the photographer ). A few of the kids ended up getting splattered with mud. That only added to the excitement of it all.

The patrol successfully pulled the ute out of the mud.

A one day old lamb with its protective mother.

Rose feeding a calf up at the house. The milk bottle was very heavy.

Casey took over from Rose
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